MIXED TECHNIQUES ON PAPER / Técnicas mixtas sobre papel 

(Click images to enlarge / Clic imágenes para ampliar)

Tempest - painted monoptypes 

Tempest Monotype on paper, made on the spot, and elaborated in studio.
(Acrilic / ink / oil bars / pigments / wax – Acrílico/ tinte / barras de óleo / pigmentos / cera)
(Click images to enlarge / Clic imágenes para ampliar)

Click TEMPEST Installation / Instalación

MIXED TECHNIQUES ON PAPER / Técnicas mixtas sobre papel 

(Acrilic / ink / oil bars / pigments / wax – Acrílico / tinte / barras de óleo / pigmentos / cera)
(Clic imagenes para ampliar / Click images to enlarge)

Charcoal / Carboncillo

Charcoal and oil bars on paper / Carboncillo y barras de óleo sobre papel
(Clic imagenes para ampliar / Click images to enlarge) 

GRAPHITE AND CHARCOAL from Ernst Kraft on Vimeo.